
Sunday, 30 October 2016

A Spot of Colouring

Hello Crafty Friends..
Hope you are all well.
We've just got back from a lovely week away in Turkey. We had a lovely time enjoying the sun.. Now back to the chilly but pretty autumnal weather..
Did any of you catch the Crafter's Companion Birthday Shows? I'm going to be playing catch up this week so I can see all the wonderful samples and demos from the team. Trust me to choose the Birthday week to go away lol
Oh Well here are a couple my cards that I made using the NEW Illustrator pens,
CR11, OR3, CT3, CG3, CG1, LG3
This top card as got to be one of my favourite CAS cards I've ever made.. I always feel as though I've missed something off when making CAS designs but was really happy how this one turned out.
 LV1, LV3, PL3, CT3, OR3, LG3, CG3, RB1, RB2, Spray and sparkle
Crafty Hugs


Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Fabulous both, and just LOVE the first one!!

ellyscard creatief said...

Gorgeous cards.

Sandra H said...

Beautiful cards! yes back to the autumn weather and leaves scattered all around us l wouldn't have it any other way x

Unknown said...

Two stunning cards that have beautifully coloured. Thank you for sharing with us at Crafty Friends and good luck in the draw. Jennifer DT member x

Diane Louise J said...

Hello kelly… Thanks for joining our ‘Anything Goes’ challenge with your lovely cards… lovely colouring
Please join us again next time. Good luck!
[Diane Louise, Team Leader for Crafty Friends Challenge Blog]